Customer Magazine

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die neue Sommerausgabe mit einem bunten Themenmix zu präsentieren. Kurz vor der Chillventa 2024 verraten wir Ihnen schon ein paar Messehighlights, die Sie an unserem Stand erwarten. Wie GTM durch stetige Digitalisierung seine Projektplanung weiter optimiert und wie sich unser Materialmanagement zukunftssicher aufstellt, sind weitere Themen. Der Blick in die Firmengeschichte zeigt, wie Wurm seit Jahrzehnten auf nachhaltige Prozesse achtet. Die Zukunft im Blick haben auch unsere Artikel zum Bereich Karriere und zu einem neuen Förderprojekt der Wurm-Stiftung.

Viel Freude beim Lesen

We are glad to present you a new edition of our magazine FreshUp with a wide range of interesting issues. You will learn about how we intend to use artificial intelligence (AI) in a responsible way and about the certification according to ISO/IEC 27001 for our IT-team. Moreover, we will introduce the new Wurm process system (WuPS) for a steady improvement at all levels of the company. The Wurm foundation presents current innovative funding projects all of them opening a way to music for children and youngsters.  

We hope you will enjoy reading.  

We are glad to present you a new edition of our magazine FreshUp with a wide range of interesting issues. You will learn about the benefits of our latest developments such as Frigotakt G4 and SMARTSHOP but also about our efforts to support young people on their career path. The Wurm foundation informs about the support of different innovative MINT-projects.
We hope you will enjoy reading.

We are glad to present you a new edition of our magazine FreshUp on our website. Again, you will find an entertaining mixture of topics - among them  articles on current innovations, on the continuous development of our software team and, of course, on the Wurm anniversary celebration in autumn 2022.
We hope you will enjoy reading.

We are pleased to present you the new FreshUp shortly before the Chillventa 2022.
In the Wurm anniversary year we have again interesting information on the further development of our solutions as well as current news from our company site in Remscheid

We are glad to present you the winter edition right at the start of the anniversary year of our company.

Among other interesting issues, an interview with Horst Peter Wurm and an article by Andres Hegglin.

Wurm Switzerland, are the highlights of FreshUp Nr. 18.

We hope you will enjoy reading.

If you are interested in previous editions of FreshUp (in German Language only), just click on the link: